Thursday, January 22, 2009

Star Surfers

Three of Linda Heslops' watercolor paintings on one sheet. Obviously enough there's two similar views of sea stars and one expansive scene of surfers at Long Beach in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (still only a reserve 35 years after the boundaries were drawn up!). This area is extremely popular with the surfing crowd though wetsuits are mandatory for the cold water, a 'Surf Jamboree' takes place at nearby Cox Bay usually in October. Lindas' artwork is carried at several galleries in the communities of Ucluelet and Tofino located at the south and north ends of the park. The Wikaninnish Interpretive Centre (the parks visitor centre) also carries her work and is a good place to spend an hour or so learning about the local environment.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today a pair of ravens dropped by and surveyed things from the top of a sequoia opposite our home. Not uncommon for them to be in the city but not an everyday occurrence either. First Nations people knew the raven as 'the trickster', a most appropriate name for this very intelligent bird. The recent snowfalls across Vancouver Island have brought hardship to birds, particularly those used to hunting for prey or scavenging in the forest as there's been sufficient snow to obscure their food supplies. As a result of this, the bald eagles have taken to scavenging from garbage dumps in large numbers competing with the resident seagulls and crows. Ahh, how the mighty have fallen!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hoe Chuckers, the modern way to decimate the forest.

Three views of  hoe chuckers on Vancouver Island, some scale is apparent as I drove by the parked one. Very expensive machinery that processes timber to size and species for the mills requirements via computer software updated each day. The lower photograph shows one stacking timber into a coldpile at the roadside for removal by logging trucks, should the logs need moving more than three times to get to the road, then it becomes cheaper to build a new road.  Smaller trees can be handled right from the harvesting stage as can be seen in this video of one at work. Pretty amazing equipment, just too bad it puts so many of people out of work.